Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 5, 2013

Still no package...sorry but you should probably talk to that lady....ha but I still have faith one day it will show up! 

This week has been really good! One day this week me and Hna Larsen were walking (obviously) and these little boys were playing soccer and they kicked it and it broke a window and they are started running away! I was like HU UH! so I yelled at them to come back...and I started getting mad but thats when I realized that I don't really speak spanish all that well yet so they couldn't really understand Hna Larsen or I so they were like what?? and their were people looking out their windows at us and laughing but we got our point across and the boys promised to come back and apologize (because no one was in the house at the moment) so that was interesting and they were funny but their were like 5 of them! and I was so bugged that they were just going to run away but then when I yelled and told them to come back they all came so I know they have a little goodness in them ha 
We had interviews with the President this week and that is very intimidating! He is a very nice man but never the less he is very intimidating! But it went good! and he helped me alot! but I left and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be leaving this area next week at cambios so that'll be exciting I'll let you know what happens! 
Everything is going really good! We taught Carolinas parents yesterday and they are such an awesome family! We are going to try and get them all baptized at the end of august and if not all of them at least Carolina HOPEFULLY cross your fingers! Or pray...praying will probably work more ha

last monday all the hnas came to our apartment to cook lunch before playing soccer and we turned on some music and so me and hna brown decided to dance and then others joined in and it was a good time! 

me and my companion take really cute pictures sometimes haha

the first food I've pocketed wahoo but really it's awful! they eat fruit cake here! and its baaaadd and it has rasins ..I hate rasins. so while this old lady was talking I picked all the fruit off and rasins stuck in a napkin and stuffed it in my pocket!

This is in the home of Andrea Ricardo and Giovanna. Carolina comes with us to teach them sometimes So it goes Hna Larsen Andrea Carolina Me Ricardo Their Mom Bertha and the little one is Lennol and do you see those puppies!! They are so cute I die everytime we go visit! but this family is doing really good! Bertha is a memeber but is less active so we are trying to get her to come back to church and get the kids baptized! 

I had a vacita de trabajo with Hna Chambi and I was on the phone talking to Elder Keller and she just grabs and orange and a HUGE knife and starts eating she peels the orange with a knife and then just starts cutting chunks and eating right off the knife and I was like WHAT THE? ha it was funny and she is funny and I like her alot! 

this lady bought us some tights because it's so cold here! but obviously everyone here is shortys and so I am stretching mine so that they fit because right now when I walk they just slide right on down my legs so if I can get them to stay in place it will be great! ha 

that's all I have for this week! I love you all and hope you are having and being safe where ever you are!! 


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